• 800,000+ Benefited

    IAHV Prison Program

    33 years, 63 Countries

  • Approved Program

    US Federal Bureau of Prisons

    Member of American Correctional Association

  • IAHV Prison Program

    Stress Management And Rehabilitation Training

    Using SKY Breathing Meditation Techniques 

  • Expand your vision and see that inside every culprit, there is a victim crying for help. That person is also a victim of ignorance, small-mindedness and lack of awareness.

    - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, IAHV Founder


Stress Management and Rehabilitation Training

The Art of Living Prison Program (formerly Prison SMART) is an internationally renowned rehabilitation program that effectively transforms the mindsets, attitudes and behavior of offenders, thus aiming to break the cycle of violence in our societies at the root, and reducing re-offending. It also offers crucial stress management and trauma relief for correctional staff and victims of crime.

Since its inception in 1992, over 800,000 persons in 63 countries have undergone the Art of Living Prison Program. In the United States alone over 20,000 inmates, correctional officers and law enforcement staff have experienced the program.

The Art of Living Prison Program teaches all levels of inmates and corrections staff evidence-based techniques that reduces stress and allows the participants to manage their emotions effectively. The Art of Living Prison Program offers tools for for staff wellness, and true inmate rehabilitation.

Why the Art of Living Prison Program?


Self Control:

  • 81% I am better at controlling my temper
  • 70% I feel a reduced desire for alcohol & drugs

Stress and Emotions:

  • 84% I am relaxed
  • 68% I am hopeful about my future
  • 68% I am less despairing and hopeless

Behavioral Health:

  • 64% I am less easily irritated
  • 79% I feel able to cope with challenges


  • Normalized sleep patterns
  • Reduced depression & anxiety
  • Increased confidence & self esteem
  • Increased energy & clarity of mind
  • Increased resilience to daily stressors of life
  • Decreased interpersonal conflict
  • Freedom from traumatic scars of the past
  • Greater positive outlook on the future


Play Video

Art of Living Prison Program (formerly Prison SMART) at Cook County Jail as featured on WTTW Chicago

Sheriff suggests Art of Living Prison Program for stress management at local jail


The Art of Living Prison Program is a program of the Art of Living Foundation. 

The Art of Living is one of the largest non-profit organizations in the world, founded in 1981 by renowned spiritual teacher and humanitarian Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar